Saturday, July 6, 2019

Wargames Atlantic Halflings

I had the opportunity to paint some 3D printed prototypes of two of the upcoming plastic Halflings set being produced by Wargames Atlantic.

Sprue removal and assembly of delicate 3D parts is challenging, but the print quality was super high and they are a good indicator of the quality of the upcoming set. I think people will like them.


  1. I wouldn't even have guessed these are 3D prints, they look great.
    Love the style of the models and the expression on their faces. If these are any indication it's going to be a great set.
    Splendid brushwork as always, very neat and professional.

    1. Thanks! It's amazing how detailed some of the printers are, I could see little evidence they were printed. I applied the paint a little more thickly in a few spots but generally they were done like any other mini.

  2. They look great man! Nice detail. I don't dare starting to collect halflings for fear of never stopping - too adorable

  3. Very nice, and great photography as usual too :)
