Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Astropath Talisman Timescape 40K

In 1988 Games Workshop released some miniatures for the Talisman Timescape expansion. By today's standards they are pretty crude, but I still wanted to get a few of them to add to my Rogue Trader civilians collection.

Most recently painted was this Astropath.

... how about the size of those hands?


  1. Excellent work! The green looks very nice. Do you have a full 40k terrain set-up, or just a few photo sets...?

    1. I have a good amount of industrial type terrain, a dimensional Space Hulk layout, and quite a few miscellaneous pieces. This is just a photo set backdrop, not really a wargame piece.

      I had a huge amount of ruined gothic stuff at one point, it was sort of donated to a game store by default. I wasn't playing 40K when it closed and I'm not 100% sure where it ended up.

      My dream is to have a fairly nice Imperial city at some point, for my as-of-yet unpainted Arbites. Too many projects.

    2. I too dream of a nice Imperial city (as opposed to Cityfight ruins or dingy Necromunda stuff) for Arbites and Necromunda battles.... A few years away though. Hopefully you get yours done as you would do a very impressive job!

  2. Just stumbled onto your blog Mathias. I had no idea you had one, but I've found it now so that's all that matters.

    Yeah his hands are quite big aren't they :)

    1. Hey, I'm glad you found it! Your Rogue Trader slaver walker is one of my favorite builds, I'm a longtime fan of your work :)
