First up is a variety of animals. Quite a few are from Mega Miniatures, which sold off their molds to a variety of different companies. Unfortunately I don't know where most of them ended up.
Goats, produced by Mega Miniatures. The boys are from the Foundry Africa range and were painted a couple of years ago.
Chickens. The majority are from Architects of War, two are from Mega Miniatures- I believe they were sculpted by Bob Olley. His figures always seem to have an air of barely subdued malevolence and these chickens are no different.
Chickens and a Fox
Foxes- the running fox is from Mega Miniatures, the other more cautious fellow is from the Architects of War chickens pack.
Skunk from Mega Miniatures. I had a second, which went missing sometime after sealing him and bringing him home to photograph. I assume he's gone for good.
Raccoon, also from Mega Miniatures if I recall correctly.
Cobra, unknown manufacturer. The two bundles are from Mega Miniatures.
Four items from a western accessories pack from TinMan Miniatures. The anvil and skull are very nice little items. The skull allowed me to put this picture in with this 'animals' post :)
Tin Man Miniatures
Nice work!