Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Marshal of Cavalry - Turnip 28

A few months ago I finished up a cavalry master for the Parsnip Empress's horse squadrons. I used a 3d printed "Mutant horse" from Schlossbauer, with a Perry hussar and some greenstuff. 

I've been dabbling with Adobe Premiere and decided to knock out a little video since this model is hard to see from one view.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Space Pirates - Hydra Miniatures Retro Raygun

Hydra Miniatures send me some miniatures to paint for their new Retro Raygun faction, the "Space Pirates".

There are four trooper bodies, two leaders, and a few head varaints.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Harrow'e'een on Ophatran Secundus - Spirits of the Warp


Excerpt from Esoteric Pilgrimage Destinations of the Gothic Sector, Volume 7, by Adept Matthias Laetorius.

"The Harrow'e'en celebration on Ophatran Secundus coincides with the traditional yearly arrival of the Emperor's Tithe Fleet. Although major functions begin a day before the first voidship docks with the orbital stations above the planet, there are several preparatory stages. The most important ritual observance, which sets the date of Harrow'e'en, is a confluence of officials from the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and the Navis Nobilite. The assembled adepts consult the planet's ancient orrery, and contact the fleet's chief astropath to pinpoint the imminent arrival."



"Once the arrival date has been formally announced by the Imperial Governor, and the Bells of Warning are sounded, the citizens of the capitol throng to the shrine district. The multitudes pass through the Crusader Gates and into the Ecclesiastic precinct. Crusaders stand in watchful vigil and priests find positions that carry their voices to the crowds. The people of Ophatran believe that vengeful and malignant warp entities cling to the voidships, and that the veil between the Empyrean and reality are thin on Harrow'e'en. The priests recite horrifying tales of these creatures of the Immaterium, and the prayers to combat them."





"The most exciting event, certainly from the perspective of the children, is the day preceding the docking of the first voidship. On this day, most of the citizens stay indoors, and those that venture out are likely to meet with a raucous procession led by ‘Spirits of the Warp’. Children that are able to recite their hymns are allowed to wear outlandish costumes, and they roam the streets seeking citizens for the procession to test.


Anyone targeted and detained by these roaming rapscallions must stop and recite the proper prayers of protection, or suffer chastisement from the Adepta Sororitas that accompany the procession.”







Monday, September 16, 2024

Kal Jericho - Black Library Limited Edition

I picked up a limited edition Kal Jericho a few months ago, after someone pointed out that he showed up in the 54mm "Inquisitor" range. Since I have vowed to complete all of the 28mm Inquisition and Henchmen GW have released, he seemed like a technical inclusion I couldn't neglect.

This is the first of three different versions GW has released of this Necromunda character. Hope to have them done before the end of the year!

40K Citizens - Nobles - Civilians

 A few more new arrivals in the Hive City.

"Tak" from RNEstudio, printed on a Mars2Pro.

 Inquisitor Servant (3d print) from Heresy Labs, and Lord Maximilian Kroize by Artel W.

 Civilian from Mason's Miniatures,  Man with Kids from Vae Victus (3d print).

"Death" from Gardens of Hecate.
 Inquisitor Orazio Ghozen (3d print).
 Two civilians, joined by the "Old Cleric" from Vae Victus (3d print).

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Servoskull Saturday - Poizer, Hive Musician

 I haven't been able to complete the one-per month servo skull challenge I used to do for a while now, but I did manage to squeak one in this week. 

The base model is "Poizer", designed by Cyber Forge and printed on my Mars2 Pro. I added a cable with greenstuff, and combined a GW skull and speaker from an Imperial Guard vox pack.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Turnip28 - Whelps, Tod, and Pierre the Tubescent

Here are some recently photographed miniatures for the Turnip28 setting. I hadn't fired up the Mars2Pro for about a year, so a couple of weeks ago I ran off a few things I've been wanting to print for a while. 

Whelps- these are light cavalry, roaming the land raiding vegetable patches and setting traps. 

The riders are "Vampire hunters' from Titan Forge. I really liked the highwayman look they have going on. I modified two of them to have new heads supplied by Knucklebones. Their horses were too large compared to my other Turnip cav. so I went with plastic Wargames Atlantic generic horses and added green stuff details. 

Tod - one of the characters in Turnip28, 3D printed model. 

Marshal Pierre the Tubescent, yet another loathsome soldier vying for the Parsnip Empress's favors. 3D printed parts from the Forlorn Hope Kickstarter and Turnip28 Patreon. 

Next up for Turnip is a Marshal of Cavalry and some lancers.