Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Skulz Adeptus Mechanicus Set - Unreleased Servitors

I acquired the set of Adeptus Mechanicus from the 'Skulz' program many years ago, shortly after they were released, around the year 2K. I had done some painting for a GW Outrider, and in exchange for that he was able to acquire a set at one of the GW conventions. I guess Outriders could buy metal minis by weight at the time :)

I painted the Artisan many years ago as part of an LPL entry. Sadly, I picked a non-metallic-metal scheme and I wasn't so great at it then. The problem was trying to match that cartoony NMM for the rest of the set, years later!

I took the opportunity to finish up the two 'unreleased' servitors I acquired from eBay as well. Luckily I bought these several years ago, right before the Oldhammer era stuff started getting crazy expensive.


  1. I absolutely love the color work you did on these. Very nice red shading and blending, and I love the pop of color with the yellow parts! Some very cool mini's in this collection for sure!

    1. Thanks, I wanted a semi-industrial look on these guys :)

  2. So many awesome figueres there, and you've certainly done them justice.

  3. Jaw dropping work! I remember these and regret not being able to get any of them. Now seeing your job I really need them! Fantastic, seriously

    1. Thanks man. Not sure how hard they are to get nowadays, clearly people could get them without actually doing Skulz program, so they are out there. Given time I'm sure someone will knock out fan sculpts too!

  4. This is brilliant. Flawless painting on an awesome group of figures!

    1. I wouldn't say flawless (I could point a few out!) but thank you regardless :)
