Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Festival of Saint Christophorus - Gretchenacht

Excerpt from Esoteric Pilgrimage Destinations of the Gothic Sector, Volume 7, by Adept Matthias Laetorius.

“Saint Christophorus's twelve-day festival commences with the appointment of a devout Imperial citizen, usually a discharged Imperial Guard veteran, to don the costume of ‘The Gretch’. 


 This loathsome character, usually green and festooned with relics, is a symbolic representation of the vile xenos creatures that seek to desecrate the cities of the Imperium. 



If the Gretch finds any relic unguarded, no matter how lofty or crude the shrine, the owners are chastised by Frateris Militia and often end up in the penitent cages.  Consequently, the vast majority of relics are faithfully ‘guarded’ for the entire festival period.”