Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Festival of Christophorus - Seer's Honor

Excerpt from Esoteric Pilgrimage Destinations of the Gothic Sector, Volume 7, by Adept Matthias Laetorius.

"The seventh day of the Festival of Christophorus is ‘Seer’s Honor’.  On this day, the Astrotelepathic Choir allows themselves to be seen for seven Terran minutes. Due to their empathic sensitivity, they do not make themselves part of the crowds that swarm the Imperial Sector. However, they fulfill their religious obligations according to Christophorus’s few writings, which state that his “Astropath and Navigator be honored for their guidance.” The Ministorum claims that Christophorus was a Missionary Galactica, but I suspect he was actually a Rogue Trader- which would account for his open mindedness toward the psykers of the Imperium.”