Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Deadcember - Undead Animals - Ranger OSL

The miniatures community has a lot of events going on through the year, such as  'Orctober' and 'Deadcember'. I often don't realize these things are happening until its too late and people start posting their results on social media. I figured I'd miss Deadcember again but it turns out I did some zombie animals last week :)

I put them into a scene with a recently completed ranger from Reaper. I experimented with OSL (Object Source Lighting) since he was holding a torch. I'll be going back in the shadow areas with some dark blues and greys.

 Zombie cow and sheep from Bear's Head Miniatures.




  1. The OSL turned out really well.
    Splendid intro picture by the way, it almost looks as if it's from a horror puppetshow.

    1. Thanks, it does have a stop-motion look, or a puppetshow as you say. :)
