Sunday, August 21, 2022

Relic Hunter Mendicants - New Additions

I've been slowly working on some more Black Crab / Meridian Miniatures offerings. Some of the newer ones don't fit the look of the 40K relic hunting beggars I've been working on for the last couple years (they have more of a Mordheim vibe, and I'll be getting to them). I singled out a few that seemed to work in the 40K setting.  The miniature with all the paper prayers is a 'witch' from Wilhlem Miniatures that I added in. She has a new face, courtesy of Statuesque.

Fluff text:

Excerpt from Esoteric Pilgrimage Destinations of the Gothic Sector, Volume 1, by Adept Matthias Laetorius.

"On occasion, in the more scared pilgrimage destinations, one may encounter high ranking adepts that have abandoned their important stations for the life of a pious mendicant. Sanctioned with a special indulgence by the Adeptus Ministorum, taking such a vow releases them from their former positions and allows them to serve the Emperor in new ways. Naturally this causes the Administratum a certain degree of consternation, and it is said that many a bloodline engineered by the Orders Famulous has been unexpectedly disrupted by noble pilgrims abandoning their duties due to sudden bursts of fervor and spiritual visions.”

The group is growing...


  1. The new buildings are looking mighty fine as background to your newly painted figs.

    1. Thanks, I need to print a few more house types.

  2. I'm really jealous about how everything you complete adds to the same universe. Not only do you have much better painting discipline, but every completion grows the setting. I feel stuck in quick sand by comparison! I can't cull anything though, tough gig.

    1. I'm not sure I'd call it disciplined, I go through a lot of dry spells! I'm also mostly subjected to working quickly in certain times of the year due to my work responsibilities. This little slice of 40k setting has been several years in the making so don't be hard on yourself :)
      "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" and "Rome wasn't;t built in a day" come to mind :)
      And my backlog is kind of depressing, I'll admit that!

  3. Beautiful work. Love how they blend together as a group.

  4. They look great! Nice job, the last pic is superb. I still have my own awaiting!

    1. Thanks, your color scheme stands the test of time!

  5. Fantastic painting on some very cool miniatures.
