Thursday, December 31, 2020

False Omnissiah - Ironsleet III - Primogenitor Project

Somehow I managed to neglect posting my False Omnissiah build to the blog, which is insane because I spent a lot of time on it. Pretend this was posted in March or April 2020.

I created this for the "Ironsleet Invitational III - The Primogenitor". The setting for this event was a colossal Space Hulk. I imagined a rogue Mechanicus Magos, looking for lost tech to allow him to continue his megalomaniacal pursuit for the throne of Terra.

The base structure is the legs from an Admech Dunecrawler and a shot-off firework I had saved from the 4th, called the "Millenial Falcon"... too funny! The inhabitant is a GW zombie.

This build really started getting wacky once I decided to add an LED light. I ended up designing and printing some custom battery and switch holders.

This was my fluff:

*Behold the Omnissiah!*
In the dark days of the Age of Apostasy, a magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus was charged with techno-heresy and sentenced to interment as a servitor. The process was a failure- the interred magos retained consciousness and a latent psy ability was sparked. He believed he was the true Emperor of Mankind, made manifest as a pysker and the Omnissiah both. After gathering a sizable group of followers with the intention of deposing the false emperor on the Throne on Terra, the would-be "Omnissiah" attracted Imperial attention and was driven into the dark edges of galaxy- where Imperial forces could no longer follow. Driven to desperation, in a state of increasing disrepair, the Omnissiah seeks to plunder or commandeer #theprimogenitor and make a triumphal return to Terra.

Hoping to get this guy some zealous followers this year.


  1. Ignore my last comment. This is the best! Love that it's mostly firecracker.

    1. The firework was underwhelming :)
      It needed redemption!

  2. That is impressively mad! The painting and construction are very good - he reminds me of a picture (probably of the Emperor) in Rogue Trader. I particularly like the little apple symbol. Where do the cherubs come from, by the way?

    1. The cherubs are from a small pack of mini plastic Christmas ornaments- I bought them probably 15 years ago from Hobby Lobby. Been saving them for the right project. I used a couple on my recent orrery build too.

  3. So good. Definitely channeling the golden throne there. I can see why various nutters would follow this fellow who knows so much of the better ancient technologies. Obviously the pretender at Terra needs to be revealed.....

    1. Thanks :)
      Hope to come up with some good stuff :)

  4. Such a brilliant creation. I really do like the unusual shape of the false throne. Its a walking life support system that also doubles as an eye-catching promotional platform!

    The gold is absolutely the right decision!

  5. Loved this on instagram--probably the best 40K related thing I saw in 2020. Really great idea, brilliant execution. Fantastic.

    1. Thanks, its one of my favorite creations to date.
